Counselor Corner

The counselors at Coweta High School are committed to helping our students plan for what lies ahead in the post-graduation lives. With three full-time counselors available every day, the individual needs of every student are able to be taken into consideration in order to give our kids a great chance for future success. Keep an eye out for the latest edition of the College and Career newsletter, posted every month on this page!

Information about ACT

Coweta High School has been approved as an ACT testing site. Student from Coweta and the surrounding areas may register online at to take the ACT in Coweta.

Time is of the essence. In order for colleges to receive your ACT scores before the semester ends, you must take the test ASAP. Those of you planning to enter college or a trade school will be expected to take the ACT. We recommend that you take one of these tests this fall if you plan to enter college next summer or next fall. We encourage you to take the test early.

Instructions about registration and other information is available in the counseling office. A digital photo submission is part of the application process. There is an "ACT Photo" App available that makes this a simple submission.

Again, you can register online to take the test at the link listed below. Use School Code 370920 to register to take the test in Coweta.

ACT Prep Resources

ACT Testing Services

CHS 2024-25 Course Guide

CHS Course Guide 25-26

Complete the FAFSA Today!

Senior Parents! Did you know that the FAFSA will not open until sometime in December this year? Click the link below to what changes are coming for the 2024-2025 FAFSA.

FAFSA Information

Girl Photoshoot

The Mega List of Scholarships you should apply for!

Interested in Participating in College Athletics?

If you are a student athlete planning to participate in college athletics (which includes band) please see Ms. Ross about NCAA Division I & II eligibility. You should create an account with the NCAA eligibility center during your Junior Year. Go to the link listed below to get started!

NCAA Eligibility

Complete the FAFSA Today!

Senior Parents! Did you know that the FAFSA will not open until sometime in December this year? Click the link below to what changes are coming for the 2024-2025 FAFSA.

Mental Health/Suicide Prevention

Suicide Warning Fact Sheet

Suicide Prevention Resources

Behavioral/Substance Abuse Services

Drug Abuse Treatment Facilities

ACT Prep Resources

Oklahoma's Promise

Oklahoma residents in grade 8th-11th can apply online for college tuition assistance. Students must meet the academic and financial requirements to be eligible for the program. Click the link below to begin the application.

Oklahoma's Promise

Oklahoma's Promise

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Please feel free to contact one of our three counselors. We are happy to help!

High School Counselors

Jayna Ross
Senior Counselor
AP Testing Coordinator
College Representative Liaison
Scholarship Assistance
Concurrent Coordinator
918-486-4474 Ext. 5136


Trish Willison
Sophomore Counselor
OK Promise Coordinator
Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Military Liaison
918-486-4474 Ext. 5126


Mandy Abel
Junior Counselor
ICTC Liaison
Foreign Exchange Liaison
Special Services Coordinator
918-486-4474 Ext. 5126


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